Friday, February 21, 2020

American History Since 1877 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American History Since 1877 - Essay Example However, challenges still loomed for blacks in the 1870s such as the â€Å"Ku Klux period†1. However, since the 1870s, America has undergone numerous changes to become the modern day world’s super power. This paper examines American history since 1877 to the present date. After the civil war, most of the population in America moved to the west and towards the end of the 19th century, cities begun to expand. During this period, America also witnessed growth contributed by industrial revolution thus opening up more businesses and creating the principle of laissez faire.Further, employment opportunities where created during this period and marked the introduction of wage workers. Regulations such as protective tariff were also introduced on traded commodities and to favor domestic business owners. On the other hand, the whites gained control of the South during this period and denied blacks voting rights. The barring of blacks from voting was made possible by the introduction of new laws and intimidation. Further, the relationship between the Federal government and Native America also suffered during this period where most of the Natives were forced into reservations2. In the early decades of the 20th century, saw the rejection of the principle of the laissez-faire economy emphasized in the Gilded Age. Leaders in America during this era were more progressive in terms of pressing for new changes. An example in this sense, involves pressurizing the government to regulate corporations. Consequently, the Federal government endeavored in breaking up large monopolies in the country. Progressive reformation during this period also saw the introduction of tax on the rich as a means of redistributing wealth to the disadvantaged in the society. This period further marked the transition from a republican federation of states to democracy of national citizens. However,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Management in Robin Hood band Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management in Robin Hood band - Essay Example He selected four lieutenants, where one was placed in charge of intelligence and scouting, the other one responsible for maintain discipline among the members of the band, the third one entrusted with the role of managing the finances of the band and the last lieutenant authorized to undertake the provisioning of the ever increasing band. The purpose/value statement of the band was â€Å"Rob the rich and give to the poor† (Lampel, 1). However, the band did not live up to its mission and eventually wanted to change from confiscating of goods to start taxing the people. This was a point of failure, since the band lost its purpose and mission, a fact that served to weaken its fight against the Sherriff. The key stakeholders were the members of the band, the enemy who was the Sherriff, the political allies and friends of the Sherriff, the rich merchants and traders and the not so well-up village people. Each of the stakeholders had their expectations. The band members expected to defeat the Sherriff, the village people expected their interests to be fought for by the band, the Sherriff expected to defeat the band and the allies of the Sherriff expected to remain in power. ... le, when the leader suggested the taxation of the people in order to make enough finances to fund the bands operation, the band members opposed to the taxation of the people, whom they considered their allies. The threats to the band were the decline in the sources of supplies for their food and finances, as well as the increased growth in strength of their enemy, the Sherriff. The opportunities open to the band was its collaboration with the barons who were against Prince John, a conspiracy that would earn the band future amnesty. The key issues arising from the analysis is the inappropriateness of the leadership style applied by the bandleader. A one-man leadership style did not seem to work, especially as the number of the band grew to enormous. Lack of commitment to the mission and purpose of the band is yet another issue. Another issue is that the band lacked a plan and a projection of the future growth crisis of the band, as well as the decline in their financial and food resou rces. The underlying question for the bands organization then becomes, can the band overcome all the challenges facing it and stay committed to its course of fighting the Sherriff? Applying the five-factor model on the management of the band, there is a perceived fulfillment of the requirements of some elements of the model. For example, there is a high degree of sociability in the bands management, a high level of thoughtfulness as indicated by the deep thinking portrayed by the bands leader, emotional instability and anxiety is also present, as demonstrated by the anxiety that the leader has. Openness is yet another trait portrayed by the leader of the band, in terms of his imagination and insights (Lampel, 2). However, one element, as required by the five-factor model is missing in the