Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Concept analys Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Concept analys - Assignment Example They are proven to have logical connections, physical connections and causal relations (Sassen, 2000, p. 240). Concepts must provide explanations to certain phenomena or events using intuitive thinking which may provide a better understanding using reasons, symbols and cause-and-effect. In addition, concepts have been created by people to represent things to provide meanings to them so that people may get explanations leading to understanding (Novacek and Smrz, 2006, p. 70). In short, concepts do not need to be physically tested as they can be products of intuitive thinking. Concepts are developed when certain phenomena exist with little or no explanations (Dashiff, 2010). People look for the explanations for the events that happen around them so they can better act and solve if ever problems exist. New concepts may also be formed when the established concepts are already out-of-date which require ground-breaking explanations to adapt to the current state of the phenomena (Dashiff, 2010). Change has been constant and some concepts may not be able to adjust to the environment and development so new concepts must be created. Concepts may also come out when there are gaps between practice and research (Dashiff, 2010). Research has been present to provide evidences and support to improve the practice of certain professions. In nursing, it has been necessary to have concept analysis to provide further development for the practice of that profession. Concepts provide the framework for nurses and nursing students to understand certain phenomena in their profession by providing meaning and connections with abstract ideas (Fitzpatrick and Kazer, 2012). For concept analysis to be successful, various traditional approaches have been developed. Concept analysis started with the approach created by Wilson which is composed of 11 steps (Meleis, 2012, p. 372). The steps must come to conclusion in choosing the words that best fit the meaning and concept applied

Monday, October 28, 2019

Anita and Meena in Anita and Me and Piggy and Ralph in Lord of the Flies Essay Example for Free

Anita and Meena in Anita and Me and Piggy and Ralph in Lord of the Flies Essay In both Anita and Me and Lord of the Flies, the characters have very much the same type of friendship. The two people in the friendship are not on the same level when they are together. For example, in Anita and Me, Meena is never seen as more superior to Anita and Piggy is never seen as superior to Ralph. Despite this fact, the reader can obviously tell that both Meena and Piggy are more intellectually superior to Anita and Ralph. These two friendships in both books undergo changes as incidents occur such as the forming of Jacks tribe in Lord of the Flies and when Anitas other friends abandon her. These changes really force both Anita and Ralph, the more superior of the two friendships to rely heavily on the inferior of the friendships, Piggy and Meena for emotional support. If these parts of the two books were looked at in detail, the reader would see that both Ralph and Anita usually feel as if they cannot continue and Meena and Piggy are usually the people who help them through their difficult times and provide support. At the beginning of Anita and Me, Anita is portrayed as quite an attractive young girl and one with the power to have control over people, Anita was the undisputed cock of our yardher foghorn voice, foul mouth indicated she was carrying enough testosterone around to earn the titleshe had the face of a pissed-off cherub, huge green eyes, blonde hair and a curling mouth Here we can see that Anita is described as the undisputed cock of our yard. This illustrates how she is a very powerful girl. The fact that features such as blonde hair, large green eyes and a face of a cherub are resembled in her suggest that she is quite an angelic, good and polite young girl. This, however, is contradicted by her foghorn voice and foul mouth. This shows us how she is not really what she seems and that even though she may look tough and powerful, she really is quite a lonely, sad girl. If we compare Anitas appearance to Meenas, we see a large difference: the winter coat, the scabbed knees, my stubborn nine-year old face not because I was too young or badly dressed, it was something else, something about me so offputting, so unimaginable. Meena describes herself as very unattractive. When compared to Anita, we can see that it is the truth. Anitas description gives her maturity and superiority while Meenas make her seem as if she is a little nine-year old girl who does not possess the same maturity and superiority as Anita. It is very much the same as Lord of the Flies with Piggy and Ralphs friendship. At the beginning, our first impression gained of Ralph is of an athletic and attractive young boy: He was old enough, twelve years and a few months, to have lost the prominent tummy of childhoodyou could see now that he might make a boxer, as far as width and heaviness of shoulders went, buy there was a mildness about his mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil Here Ralph is described in an attractive way and he, like Anita, can be described in two different ways: firstly as a boxer which portrays Ralph as a strong, powerful man while the mildness about his mouth and eyes shows that he is still an innocent pleasant young boy. In the same way Anita is friends with Meena in Anita and Me, Ralph is friends with Piggy. Piggy is very similar to Meena. Both Piggy and Meena are not as attractive as Ralph and Anita. In this way, they are seen as insuperior to them: The naked crooks of his knees were plump, caught and scratched by thorns Here Piggys description does not portray him as either very attractive or very interesting. The fact that his knees are scratched by thorns makes Piggy seem quite young as you normally imagine young children to have scratched knees. Ralph is described as almost a man. This is another way in which Piggy is depicted as inferior to Ralph. Another way in which Ralph and Anita are described as greater than Piggy and Meena are when they meet. When Anita talks to Meena for the first time, she assumes that she is more superior to Meena. then snatched the bag off me and began walking away as she ate When Anita meets Meena, she snatches a bag of sweets from her and starts to walk away. She expects Meena to follow and what I find surprising is that Meena seems to think that this is fine and she feels happy to follow her a few paces behind. Meena feels privileged to be in Anitas company. Anita realises this and uses it to her advantage. Anita has got used to realising that she is normally the leader of a group and that she has the ability to exert a lot of power. Ralph also assumes that he is superior when he meets Piggy. When Piggy asks what Ralphs name is, Ralph does not return the gesture: The fat boy waited to be asked his name in turn buy this proffer of acquaintance was not made Here Ralph is portrayed as quite arrogant. We can see that Ralph obviously feels in some way superior to this fat boy and therefore he feels that he is not the same level as him. Throughout the book, Ralph has a certain amount of superiority over Piggy and uses it often. When Jack, Simon and Ralph explore the island for the first time and Piggy asks to come, Ralph embaraces him by refusing to let him come. The same is done in Anita and Me, as Anita is throughout the book more superior to Meena. Both Meena and Piggy do not belong to the groups that are formed in the books. Piggy is far too intellectual and mature for the games played and he is the odd one out of the group, as is Simon. Meena too does not fit in to Anitas group. She describes herself as too young for Anitas consideration and too old for the children. Even when she does join Anitas group, she sometimes feels out of place. Towards the end of both books, both Anita and Ralph find that they need support when their close friends leave them. In Anita and Me, Anita experiences this when her mother leaves: she always seemed older than her peers. But when I spied her sitting alone on the park swings, from a distance, her crumpled face and hunched shoulders turned her momentarily into a little old lady. When Anitas mother and the poet leave her, Anita feels depressed and lonely. Meena, although she is angry with her, feels sorry for Anita and tries to comfort and support her. This shows how Meena, even though she is portrayed as insuperior to Anita, is the more stable of the two girls. Meena has two loving parent who look after her well and a baby brother while Anita lives with her unreliable mother who is hardly there for her and a father who sees her very rarely. Ralph also finds himself in this situation when the boys divide into two groups and Ralph is left only with Simon and Piggy: Piggy Uh? What are we going to do? Piggy looked at the conch. You could- Call an assembly? Ralph laughed sharply as he said the word and Piggy frowned. Here we can see the difference in Ralphs way of talking to Piggy. We can see that Ralph has no idea of what to do now that Jack has made his own tribe. Ralph now finds that he is relying on Piggy to help and support him through his time of need. Ralph also uses the word we instead of I. This shows how Ralph feels that both him and Piggy are now in their own tribe. It also shows how Ralph is letting Piggy be on the same level as him by using we. Another way in, which the friendship of Anita and Meena and the friendship between Ralph and Piggy are similar, is the ending of the friendship. At the end of the book, Meena realises that Anita is not the person she should be a best friend with: I dont give a toss what your sister [Anita] does, Tracey. Yow can tell her that from me. At this point, Meena has realised that Anita has not treated her as well as she should have been treated. Meena learns this from making friends with two other people who treat her well and are true friends. When Meena returns from hospital, she doesnt socialise much and is happy doing things alone. Anita, jealous of her happiness and the love she receives from her parents, sends threatening notes to her in the hope of scaring Meena. At this point we can really see that Meena is superior to Anita as Anita tries to make a desperate attempt at trying to feel more superior and secure by threatening her. The same happens in Lord of the Flies. After Piggy has died, Ralph realises what a great friend Piggy really was to him and how much he needs him when Jacks tribe turn against him: And in the middle of them, with filthy body, unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of mans heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy. Here we can see that Ralphs image of a strong, powerful young man is lost and we see him as a young naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve boy in contrast to Piggy who is described as wise. Before, Piggy was portrayed as a fat, asthmatic boy who was inferior to Ralph but now we see that Piggy is superior to Ralph. Ralph realises this and feels bad in the way he treated Piggy. Towards the end of both books, the characters who were portrayed as superior: Anita and Ralph find it hard to cope when Meena and Piggy leave them. In Anita and Me, when Meena breaks the friendship between herself and Anita, Anita begins to find that she is jealous of Meena and sends her threatening notes. Similarly in Lord of the Flies, when Piggy dies, Ralph finds it hard to cope. He is left all alone and is abandoned by his so-called friends who he preferred to Piggy in the beginning. In both cases we find how much Ralph and Anita depended on Piggy and Meena to make them feel superior. While in actual fact, Meena and Piggy were the superior ones.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Role of Advertising in Business Essay -- Role of Market Communicat

1. INTRODUCTION 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 3. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE 4. SOURCES OF DATA 5. RESEARCH DESIGN 6. CONCLUSIONS 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. INTRODUCTION Advertising in business is a type of marketing communication used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate a customer to take or continue to take some action. The desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering. The primary role of advertising is to inform potential customers of the products and services in the market and convince them to make a purchase. Through advertisements customers are informed of new products, their role, their benefit and the prices at which they are being made available to the customer. It is a technique used to influence people's minds and encourage more sales. The main purpose of advertising is to deliver the proper message to customers and prospective customers. The purpose of advertising is to convince customers that a company's services or products are the best, to enhance the image of the company, point out and create a need for their products or services, demonstrate new uses for the established ones, announce new products and programs, reinforce the individual messages of the sales people, draw customers to the business, and to hold existing customers. Advertising lies in the Promotion part of Marketing Mix, but it applies to all the other P's as well. Promoting one’s business is the key ingredient to making one’s business successful. Promotion, along with a great product, key placement, and a reasonable price, will help a marketer work his way to the top. Promoting does not mean leaving his advertising up to the word of mouth of his current customer. â€Æ' 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Brand Equity & ... ...n their advertising strategies as on their products and services †¢ Consumers’ attitude towards advertisements varies greatly †¢ Advertising is considered necessary for growth and success of big companies these days †¢ A product that is not advertised is lost on the customer. †¢ Advertising is the backbone of today’s sales industry. â€Æ' 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY †¢ DA Aaker, AL Biel- 1993- †¢ T Meenaghan - Journal of Product & Brand Management, 1995 - †¢ FM Scherer, D Ross - University of Illinois †¢ WF Mueller, RT Rogers - The Review of Economics and Statistics, 1980 – JSTOR †¢ M Sutherland, J Galloway - Journal of Advertising Research, 1981 - †¢ VA Zeithaml, MJ Bitner - 1996 - †¢ †¢ †º Advertising & Marketing †º Advertising †¢

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Red Lobster case analysis Essay

Should Lopdrup make Experientials the target segment and modify Red Lobster’s positioning accordingly. If so, how should he change its marketing mix (4P)? Red Lobster originally was founded in 1968 and gained tremendous popularity back then by offering fresh seafood for everybody. They made it easily accessible and approachable. However, over several extremely successful decades of rapid growth and many new restaurants, Red Lobster in 2004 was becoming out of date and out of touch with today’s customer. The company with more than 40-year experience in seafood restaurants, with its new leading CEO Kim Lopdrup now has invested in extensive market research. The results of the market research reveal a surprisingly exciting opportunity for the company to shift its target customer segment. The chain at the moment is taking its first steps of an elaborate 10-year rejuvenation plan under the lead of its CEO Kim Lopdrup. Back in 2004 when he took over as a CEO of Red Lobster, the company was closing down restaurants and going through a major decline in sales. Furthermore, customer satisfaction had dropped significantly as well by then. Though, in 2010, even in a period of recession, the sales results are slowly starting to improve. As a result, the whole chain itself is improving as well. A recent market research study has revealed rather unexpected results that 25% of Red Lobster’s customers are â€Å"experientials,† people looking for pleasure, good service and high-quality food. Which is very different from Red Lobster’s traditional core customer who just wanted big portion sizes of decent seafood and does not worry about nutrition or upscale atmosphere. Lopdrup is currently thinking of possible re-positioning to attract more â€Å"experientials†, thereby also changing the company’s target segment. But would this be a good step? Back in 1968, the brand gained popularity by making fresh seafood that was not very accessible back then. However, times have changed now. Customers now have an abundance of choices when it comes to fresh seafood, which makes it very hard for Red Lobster to differentiate from other brands only offering ‘approachable, fresh seafood’. Moreover, lately it has been associated with frozen and fried, unhealthy food, not fresh seafood. The recession has had a bad impact on the restaurant and there has been a major drop in customer count. Instead of focusing on winning the price war within the highly competitive casual dining category, Kim Lopdrup instead has decided to focus on rejuvenation, following a differentiation strategy. The plan is to aim for higher quality, drive a higher frequency of visits and make the brand be seen as good quality seafood, where people could get a pleasant dining experience for affordable prices. In my opinion, Red Lobster must indeed focus on experientials, start fresh and show customers it is really doing things differently now. A new look, a new menu, improved service and better communication to let people see Red Lobster in a fresh, new way. They should embrace the 21st century by using more social networking (facebook, twitter, youtube), mobile apps, yet stick to its basic principles of providing fresh seafood from good fisherman, hire skillful grill masters and friendly staff, which are all core values for ‘experientials’. Moreover, these are values and expectations not only for ‘experientials’ but for the mass market in general. This way, they could achieve the highest reach and drive traffic to their restaurants. They must get talked about and become more visible by investing in a complex marketing campaign that would go in waves. A good quality television campaign would be highly appropriate. Regarding it’s 4PS, they should adjust its current market mix by really thinking about the target group’s wants and needs. Experientials are well educated and will not tolerate bad service. They go out to restaurants to connect with friends, family, and colleagues. So the company should definitely think of ways to improve its service. Renovation of the restaurant space, hiring of friendly employees that Red Lobster would continually educate about the latest trends and menu offerings. It is very important for the brand to have a welcoming, human face. And honest, communicative employees that will give a personal experience for each customer will take the brand image further away from its current corporate image. Regarding the products, it is also very important to communicate the source of their fish, its good quality chefs, daily offerings of ‘daily fresh catch’ to let people know that Red Lobster has ‘stepped up’ their game and only offering the highest-quality fresh crab from the best farmers. Perhaps they should do an acquisition with a wine company in order to offer experientals more wines to choose from, since they like to enjoy new food and menu items. They are motivated by culinary expertise and wine and food goes hand in hand with each other. Regarding the price, they could increase the price a little bit, since experientials are not overly ‘price sensitive’. They are well educated with a high income, though they als o like to eat out often. So a mid-range price would be the most appropriate. By focusing on experientials, Red Lobster could significantly increase profitability and get more loyal customer that return for more. The positioning should stay ‘approachable, fresh seafood’, since they have so many locations everywhere. The menu should be more frequently updated. Prices could be higher for ‘specials’, and they should communicate keywords like ‘quality, freshness, seafood lovers’, have cooking demonstrations. Invest in TV promotional ads to achieve mass awareness, hirepassionate people, focus on continuous improvement.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Research approach Essay

This chapter will present the research approach, chosen research method, sampling selection, materials, procedure, and method of data analysis of the current research. The present study adopts a quantitative approach through the use of surveys. It also is empirical and deductive, in the sense that it has gone through primary data gathering before making conclusions about the subject at hand (Sekaran 2000). Moreover, the study is also descriptive-correlational in nature. By descriptive, it has ascertained the levels of importance and actual performance of Body Shop along these factors which affect the buying choice of cosmetics among young females in the United Kingdom. It is likewise correlational in nature because it has aimed to establish if there are significant relationships among patronage of Body Shop because its products are environmentally friendly; belief that Body Shop is a socially responsible company; general patronage of products and companies that espouse care for the environment; and overall satisfaction of Body Shop Products The study made use of survey research to be able to gather primary data. A survey is beneficial for several reasons. First, it is able to gather a representative measure of a trait or characteristic, given a well-sampled group of respondents (Bryman 1992). Surveys are an effective means of data gathering given the constraints on finances and time. They are capable of describing charateristics of the sample of respondents who have accomplished it, and allow generalisations about the sample from which they were culled. Moreover, it is also effectual in gaining insights about the individual perceptions or assessments of the respondents on a given set of questions or statements. These lend themselves to statistical analysis (Bryman 1992; Malhotra & Birks 1999). Telephone surveys were used. Ritchie & Goeldner (1994), a telephone survey is carried out where respondents answer through the telephone as medium in contrast with personal administration. He further asserts that this medium even has advantages as opposed to personal survey deployment. They permit contact with individuals who are difficult to reach and may even make respondents more comfortable and candid with answering the questions. Moreover, it obviously allows savings in both time and cost. However, when not conducted effectively, it may come out as too impersonal and the researcher will also not see the body language of the respondent, which may sometimes be important. Information may be for straightforward questions only and may not be effective for highly sensitive research topics (Ritchie & Goeldner 1994). In the current research a survey was deployed to be able to ascertain the perceptions of the female respondents on factors that affect their purchase choice of cosmetics. These perceptions came in the form of the degree of importance attached to these factors and the actual performance of Body Shop on the same factors. There were also general statements that have to do with environmentalism, patronage of CSR-centric companies and overall satisfaction with a cosmetic product. 3. 1 Sampling Selection There was a total of 150 female respondents who participated in the study. This sample size was deemed adequate for the purposes of the study. However, to be able to qualify as respondent, the following inclusion criteria have to be met: The respondent should 1) be female; 2) have purchased a Body Shop product within the last 12 months; 3) be willing to participate in a telephone survey for 10 minutes. Thus, the researcher made use of purposive sampling (Salkind 2000). The researcher began only with 20 acquaintances who have then given referrals to be able to complete the sample size. This size will allow the use and computation of powerful parametric stastics. 3. 2 Materials The instrument that was used for the current research was self-constructed. The researcher went about designing the questions after an extensive review of related literature. From these were gathered insights on the factors which affect cosmetic purchase. After the initial design, the researcher showed the questionnaire to a subject matter expert to ascertain both face validity and content validity. Face validity suggests that the instrtument ‘looks’ valid, while content validity ensures that it measures what it intends to measure (Chisnall 1997). The evential aim for the instrument is to be able to provide a detailed way of presenting the questions while not incurring survey fatigue. Moreover, the researcher was careful about including only questions which were pertinent to the construct being measured, or they will be regarded as irrelevant (Oppenheim, 1992). This also suggests that the questions must allow the researcher to address all the objectives put forth in the research (Ghauri et al 2002). The questionnaire may either be sent through email or anwered personally by the respondents or through phone. In this case, the researcher opted to do telephone interviews, while marking the responses on the survey sheet. She has read each question loudly and asked the respondent to verbally express her rating on the statement. Questionnaires either describe or measure individual/group characteristics such as values, attitudes, opinions, etc. and contain four types of questions: demographics, behaviour, knowledge and attitude. Finally, they can be classified according to the type of response required, or the type of questionnaire administered (Chisnall, 1997). The first part of the questionnaire inquired about their gender and age, and whether they have purchased a Body Shop product in the past 12 months. The next two portions of the study inquired about the degree of importance they placed on the following factors:qality of the products; having a globally renowned brand name; competitive price of the product; tendiness or fashion sense represented by the product; the degree to which the product is environment-friendly; the customer service of the store personnel; the variety of product offerings in the store; the convenience of going to the store location; the sales promotions used for the product; recommendations or positive feedback I garner from my friends, family and acquaintances; media advertisements of the product; information on the product’s label; atractiveness of the packaging; the degree to which the product espouses â€Å"natural† rather than artificial; and the values espoused by the company who sells the product. These were all answered by ticking the box of their response (or expressing it directly in the case of a phone interview) within a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The last part of the survey presents the following statements, which also requires them to indicate their level of agreement on the same 5-point Likert scale: I patronise Body Shop because its products are environmentally friendly. I believe Body Shop is a socially responsible company. I generally patronise products and companies that espouse care for the environment. Your overall satisfaction of Body Shop Products Once approved as face and content valid, the researcher went about with the pilot testing of the questionnaire. This ensured that the questions were easily understandable and do not cause confusion. This required 5 respondents, from which no major changes were made on the instrument. 3. 3 Procedure The research entailed the gathering of both secondary and primary data. Secondary data came in the form of books, journals, and online sources which the researcher consulted to be able to draft Chapter 2 of the paper. Primary data, on the other and, entails the gathering of first-hand data through observations, surveys, interviews, and the like (Bryman 1992). To be able to gather primary data for the study, the researcher designed a questionnaire. The latter are usually the most feasible means of encompassing a large number of individuals that allows for valid and generalisable statistical results. With a well-designed instrument that is both reliable and valid, much substantive conclusions may be drawn. This is precisely the reason why the researcher has used this method in gathering primary data for the current research (Chisnall, 1997). After the design of the survey instrument, the researcher went about with the pilot study, which allowed him to check on the clarity of the questions (Chisnall 1997), through the suggestions of the 5 respondents who undertook it. They were requested to listen carefully to, answer the questions, and comment freely about each one. Moreover, this phase also allowed the researcher to estimate that each telephone interview will not last more than 10 minutes. The survey proper then followed, entailing gathering the respondents for the sample. This meant contacting acquaintances who were patrons of Body Shop and enlisting them onto the sample if they met the inclusion criteria (these are further discussed in the sampling section). Their responses were collated and statistically analysed. Substantive conclusions were drawn from the statistical results.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Mechanicals are clumsy Essays

The Mechanicals are clumsy Essays The Mechanicals are clumsy Paper The Mechanicals are clumsy Paper What Do the Mechanicals add To the Audiences Understanding and Enjoyment of the Play? â€Å"A Midsummer’s Night Dream† Is a play written by William Shakespeare in 1600. It is a play full of love, magic and dreams. With fascinating characters which range from supernatural fairies to noble humans. But how do the mechanicals add understanding and enjoyment to the play? In the play there are two worlds. The first world is the court; the second is the mysterious world of fairies. The Mechanicals are used in the play to add to the audiences understanding of the play by exploring the central theme of love and its transforming power. Shakespeare shows through bottom that something ugly can turn beautiful through love. The mechanicals are also used to add to the audiences enjoyment of the play by adding humour to the play. Shakespeare uses a comic effect of names especially Bottom, as later he turns into an â€Å"ass† which is a donkey. The mechanicals also are always mixing up their words through oxymoron, malapropisms and nonsense words. The Mechanicals are the audience’s way into the play as they appeal to all people: educated, uneducated, rich and poor in the Elizabethan time. The theatre was very different in the 1600’s compared to now. During the Elizabethan time, theatres were usually outdoors and the stage was very bare. It had little scenery so the acting companies had to rely on the imaginations of their audiences. The setting had to be created through the words of the play. The words of the play had to establish what time of day it was. Also men had to play women parts as it was judged to be inappropriate for a woman to undertake such a role so men for that reason were hired to act in the female roles. Consequently, in â€Å"A Midsummer’s Night Dream† Thisbe who is a woman would have to be played as a man, which would bring humour to the audience. In the time of William Shakespeare there was a strong belief in the existence of the supernatural. The Elizabethan Period and the academic era of the Renaissance introduced English persecution of Elizabethan Witches and Witchcraft. Ironically, this period of great learning brought with it a renewed belief in the supernatural including a belief in the powers of witchcraft, witches and witch hunts. In â€Å"A Midsummer’s Night Dream† the supernatural is a recurring part in the play. The Mechanicals add understanding to the play by bringing the two worlds of the play together. In â€Å"A Midsummer’s Night Dream† there are four main plots: The lovers, the fairies, the Mechanicals and the Duke and Duchess. The Mechanicals bring together the palace and the woods as they use both settings. They use the palace to perform their play and the woods to practise there. The mechanicals fit perfectly into the structure of the play. The higher class which are the nobles, the lower class, which are the mechanicals and the supernatural world, which are the fairies. The Mechanicals bring together the world of law, order and reason by being unsystematic. They do this by contrasting themselves to the nobles. In these quotations they show the nobles law, order and reason. My Gracious Lord[Theseus] Shows the characters’ respect for Theseus, also shows that Theseus has power and embodies Athens and the law. Theseus also shows that Athens is a land of law and order. Either to die the death or abjure forever the society of me. This line shows the rigidity of the Athenian law. Because Hermia’s father does not approve of her love, she must listen to him to not marry him, or to face the consequences. On the other hand the Mechanicals are not as educated as the aristocratic characters. In this quotation it shows a clear contrast between the nobles and the Mechanicals. What is Pyramus? A lover or a tyrant [Bottom] I. i. 17 This quotation shows the lack of education and shows typical characters for a male lead in the theatre. It shows the lack of education, as this play would have been read in schools, at that time if they were educated. The mechanicals also make the audience understand some of their characteristics I am to entreat you, request, you and desire you to con them by tomorrow night [Quince] L. i. 78-80 This quotation tells the audience that the Mechanicals are a little bit unreliable.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Managements Responsibility Example

Managements Responsibility Example Managements Responsibility – Case Study Example Topic:"MANAGEMENT’S RESPONSIBILITY" From the second e-Activity, determine the level of responsibility management had for the business failure you researched. Provide specific examples to support your response. Management forms the heart of every organisation. This means that if the top management level fails, the entire organisation is also bound to fail. For example, failure of Lehman may be attributed to management failure. Management has the following levels of responsibility that may lead to business failure namely; poor planning, forcefully imposing their will, blaming others for their own mistake and failing to acknowledge their failure. Planning is the first level of management responsibility, when managers fail to establish proper plans they are more susceptible to fail. Secondly, management has the responsibility of using power and authority to ensure success is realized. However, leaders may forcefully use their powers and authority to achieve personal goals rather t han organisation goals hence, leading to organisation failure. In addition, management has the responsibility of delegating duties to the right people; however, management may fail if they assign responsibilities to people who do not have the right skills. Moreover, management has the responsibility of ensuring high ethical standards are upheld. If management fails to effectively execute this responsibility organisation is more likely to fail (Harvard Business School, paras.11-18). A list of three best practices that not only would have helped the company you researched from failure, but would also apply to the rest of the industry your company was part of. Some of the best practices that Lehman and other companies could adopt to prevent failure include; Proper prior planning, involving the right people, and creating a common vision. Having the correct financial and strategic plan is a critical part for any success. The company should define what is to be achieved and within which t ime frame within its plans. Moreover, involving the right people in making and implementing decision may help to prevent company failure. Conclusively, management should establish a common vision that is to be achieved and also influence the efforts of other people to work towards realizing that vision (Kelsey, Sigrid, and Marjorie, p.258).Harvard Business School. Why Leaders lose their way. 06.07.2011. Web.07.07.2014. http://hbswk., Sigrid, and Marjorie J. Porter. Best Practices for Corporate Libraries. Santa Barbara, Calif: Libraries Unlimited, 2011. Print.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Learn About Consonant Clusters in English Grammar

Learn About Consonant Clusters in English Grammar In linguistics, a  consonant cluster (CC)  is a group of two or more consonant sounds that come before (called an onset), after (called a coda) or between (called medial) vowels. Also known simply as a cluster, these occur naturally in written and spoken English - though sometimes may be altered phonetically. This process, called consonant cluster simplification (or reduction) sometimes occurs when at least one consonant in a sequence of adjacent consonants is elided or dropped. In everyday speech, for instance, the phrase  best boy may be pronounced  bes boy, and first time may be pronounced firs time. Onset consonant clusters may occur in two or three initial consonants, wherein three are referred to as CCC while coda consonant clusters can occur in two to four consonant groups. Common Consonant Clusters The written English language contains up to 46 permissible two-item initial consonant clusters, ranging from the common st to the less common sq, but only 9 permissible three-item consonant clusters, as Michael Pearce posits in his book The Routledge Dictionary of English Language Studies. Pearce illustrates the common three-item initial consonant clusters in the following words: spl/  split, /spr/  sprig, /spj/  spume, /str/  strip, /stj/  stew, /skl/  sclerotic, /skr/  screen, /skw/  squad, /skj/  skua, wherein every word must start with an s, be followed by a voiceless stop like p or t and a liquid or glide like l or w.   In terms of codas, or consonant clusters that end words, they may contain up to four items, though they are often truncated in connected speech if the consonant cluster is too long, as in the word glimpsed being acceptably written as glimst. Consonant Cluster Reduction In spoken English and rhetoric, oftentimes consonant clusters will be truncated naturally to increase speed or eloquence of speech, oftentimes dropping the same consonant if it occurs at the end of one word and again at the beginning of the next. This process, called consonant cluster reduction, is relatively variable but confined by linguistic factors that inhibit the operation of reducing these words. Walt Wolfram, writing in Dialect in Society, expounds, with respect to the phonological environment that follows the cluster, the likelihood of reduction is increased when the cluster is followed by a word beginning with a consonant. What this means for average English users is that cluster reduction is more common in phrases like west coast or cold cuts than in west end or cold apple. This technique can also be found in poetry to force similar-sounding words with different consonant endings to rhyme. Take for example the words test and desk, which dont rhyme in their original form, but if one uses consonant cluster reduction, the rhyme Sittin in my des, takin my tes can be forced through truncation, as Lisa Green describes in African American English: A Linguistic Introduction, this is most common in the poetic raps of African American origins in the United States.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Great Depression Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Great Depression - Term Paper Example After the stock market crash, the most of the securities have depreciated sharply, and much of the loans have become irrecoverable, while there was a sharp reduction in banks resource base as a result of massive withdrawals of deposits of population, declining balances enterprises. As a result of the bankruptcy of banks took massive character. At the end of 1930 bank depositors began a run that led to a wave of bank failures. As a result, in the United States began absolute monetary contraction. Second banking panic occurs in the spring of 1931. All these months, the authorities did not respond to the increasing pace of economic tsunami. GDP in 1930-1931 years falls respectively by 9.4 and 8.5% and the unemployment rate rises from 3.2 % at the beginning of 1930 to 15.9 % by the end of 1931. The unemployment rate in 1932 increased to 23.6 %. A little over three years since the crisis have lost their jobs for more than 13 million Americans. Industrial stocks have lost 80 % of their value since 1930, while livestock prices have fallen by 53% since 1929. For three years went bankrupt two out of every five banks and their depositors lost $ 2 billion in deposits. Money supply in 1929 was reduced by 31% on face value. Because of the reduction in effective demand, prices for agricultural products fell by 40-60%. Also the Great Depression in the United States was marked by tremendous growth in unemployment, it started under a Republican administration of President 31st American President Herbert Hoover, who promised during the election campaign "prosperity" for people. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the Hoover administration was not a federal program to combat unemployment. Hoover believed that the problems of the unemployed must address to state governments and urban municipalities. However, almost all industrial cities have become bankrupt, so left without

Liberal Art Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Liberal Art Studies - Essay Example In these regards, rather than workers attempting to directly fight the oppressive nature of their employers they should attempt to work outside this sphere of struggle, and organize opposition that way. Today when one considers the nature of unions, it’s clear that this principles still remains a viable and working approaching to fighting workplace oppression. 2.Would absolute loyalty and unquestioned obedience be useful qualities in a modern professional community? In considering whether absolute loyalty and unquestioned obedience would be useful in a modern professional community, it’s clear that the answer is no. In blindly accepting the rules and regulations of a professional organization one allows the individuals higher on the organizational scale to make decisions unfettered by checks and balances, and allows themselves to be taken advantage of for individual and organizational profit. 3.What drawbacks, if any, might there be in a community dominated by such val ues? ? In considering potential drawbacks, it’s clear that there are a number related to a community founded on such values.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 24

Marketing - Essay Example Stuffed animals need stuffing. By looking at the raw material inputs that are used in stuffed animals, it was thought that these hole punch scraps can be used as alternative. The major concern in deciding on which products to choose, where the hole punch scraps can be useful is the question of volume. Hole punch scraps can only be valuable if they are sold in huge volumes. The answer to this question has been found on the stuffed animals alternatives for raw material inputs. Hole punch scraps are waste materials, that in essence when they are manufactured they are very minimal in terms of costs. The materials that are used to stuff animals like â€Å"straw, beans, plastic pellets, cotton, synthetic fibres, or other similar materials (Wikipedia 2010),† are naturally produced for the stuffing, thus maybe more costly to manufacture. The demand for these products come from children and adults who look for comfort objects (Fisher 2010). From a psychological perspective, the fascination for comfort objects has sprung up during the late 1800s when life is hard and comfort objects like stuffed animals tend to cheer people up for unique psychological situations ( 2008). The origin of stuffed animals businesses is traced back to practices of taxidermy, where skins of hunted animals are stuffed in order to mimic their appearances even when they are no longer alive. The demand for these products can be traced to a need using Maslows hierarchy of needs framework (Kotler & Armstrong 2004). A comfort object provides the consumer with security and partly, some social needs. During unique situations such as personal tragedies, problems and moments of loneliness, and stressful events, comfort objects somehow provide the feeling of having company as well as the feeling of being safe holding something ( 2008). Pricing is a

Explain how the molecular structure of cell membranes accounts for Essay

Explain how the molecular structure of cell membranes accounts for their selective permeability - Essay Example Other than proteins and lipids the cell membrane also consists of carbohydrates which form a layer outside the cell membrane to serve specific functions of the body. The proteins have a very important role to play in maintaining the shape of the cell membrane which is crucial for maintaining the form and working of the cell as well. They have other important roles not only restricted to the maintenance of functioning and integrity of cell membrane but also in the intracellular metabolic activities. This is because proteins act as receptors for several hormones as well as transmitters which then alter the metabolic activities taking place within the cell. Another important aspect of proteins is that most of the enzymes in the human body are proteins. Most of the intracellular reactions that take place are catalyzed by enzymes and hence proteins are central to the normal functioning of the cells. In the cell membrane certain proteins act as enzymes and they assist in carrying out react ions on the cell membrane surface. Proteins also act as cell adhesion molecules. These molecules possess the capability of attaching the cells to each other and also attaching the cell to the basal lamina. Proteins also have the ability to work as pumps for the passage of ions by the process of active transport which works against the normal diffusion gradient. They also act as carriers and work in moving substances by the process of facilitated diffusion which involves the movement of secondary substances in association with proteins for the purpose of transport. Another important role is as ion channels which only work upon stimulation and activation and allow the movement of ions in the intracellular or extracellular space. Glycoprotein’s present on the cell membrane also have functions related to the immune system. They function in the activities of the antibodies within the body and assist in recognizing the cells of the body from the foreign cells. Thus they protect the cells of the body from undergoing an autoimmune attack. The lipid bilayer of the cell membrane also plays an integral role in the selective permeability of the cell membrane. The bilayer is composed of phospholipids which are hydrophobic at one end and hydrophilic at one end (Guyton & Hall 2006; Ganong 2005). The question now arises as to how these two important molecules help in the selective permeability of the cell membrane. The lipid layer acts as a barrier for water soluble products such as glucose and urea whereas fat soluble substances can be moved through this lipid bilayer because of its properties. The steroid cholesterol plays an important role in maintaining the permeability of the cell membrane. Cholesterol has properties of lipids with a steroid nucleus and hence it only allows fat soluble products to pass through. It is through this lipid bilayer that the cell membrane gets the property of impermeability. The lipid bilayer of the cell membrane also does not allow the complex processes of active transport to occur through it. It only allows passive diffusion of certain substances inside the cell. One may ask as to how the cell survives without essential water soluble products of glucose when the lipid bilayer does not allow them to move inside the cell. The answer to this lies in the complexity of the protein molecules embedded in the cell membrane. It is for this purpose that specific carrier proteins have

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Organ Supply and Its Relation to the Social Stratification Research Paper

Human Organ Supply and Its Relation to the Social Stratification Theory - Research Paper Example Those who benefit are the rich who can afford to pay for the surgery and the cost of human organs. On the other hand, although some transplants were out of the donation coming from willing donors or were as a result of accidents which allow for the recovery of human organs from an accident victim to be transferred, there have been reports wherein the poor became the victims of this â€Å"transaction†. This is linked to the Social Stratification Theory. Those who have little in life become the victims, while those who are in the upper class or society look towards the poor for their source of human organs. How Sociologists Have Recognized Social Stratification People are identified, classified, perceived, and understood in a way that society has given corresponding positions for individuals, races, organizations or communities. The moment a person’s status in society is known, he or she is treated with actions or reactions that are known to be fit for the person. Accordi ng to Davis and Moore; Novick and Cullen Social stratification is a set of verifiable, interrelated thoughts, understanding, and behaviour among people whereby members of society consider positions or status and identify themselves in one of those categories. Davis and Moore were described by Novick, S. and Cullen, J. (1979, p. 1424) to have considered the differences as necessary for critical reasons. They proposed that inequality characterizes the groups or class wherein each person belongs or identifies him to be a part of. Furthermore, they believe that the maintenance of functions and positions is necessary in order to have stability. From the point of view of Davis, Kingsley and Moore, Wilbert (1970) difficult jobs must necessarily receive higher incentives in terms of higher compensation. The inequality is based on the fact that every individual has a different set of talents. Some talents are more valuable other talents, just as some functions have greater value in society t han the other functions. Because of scarcity and difference in value of some talents, rewards or compensation to acquire the people with valuable talents are greater while other talents are offered smaller rewards. According to Joseph Turek The book edited by Joseph Turek was entitled â€Å"Income Inequality and Social Stratification†. It gathered insights from various sectors (socio-economic, political, sociology, and philosophy) to clarify the variety of human differences which result in social stratification. As a result of differences in a person’s status in society, there is also a disparity in the income or compensation which leads to the formation of rich and poor. According to Wendy Bottero The book entitled â€Å"Stratification: Social Division & Inequality† is about â€Å"Who gets what.† It also describes the fact that the present time inequality gives some people better choices in life. â€Å"Money, power, or influence give those who possess t hem greater control over the external forces which affect us all, and open doors which might otherwise be closed.† (Bottero 2005, p. 3). The Demand & Critical Importance of Human Organ Donation A. Gap Between Supply and Demand The Economist (2008) reported that 7,000 Americans died due to absence of organs needed by patients. Out of 10 people who needed a kidney transplant, only one found a replacement kidney. There was a projected growth in the number of people who have to undergo dialysis and replacement of kidneys. 500,000 Americans in 2010 needed the transplant. In the UK, Nadey Hakim, an Ex-President of the International College of Surgeons, believed there was no other option for organ transplants because without it, the patient will die early although they can live longer if a replacement is made available for transplant. Kidneys are the most in

Solving Ethical Problem Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Solving Ethical Problem - Case Study Example Ben Garishon,a senior loan officer with first national Federal bank ,the second largest institute in Wyoming does not really understand what ethics are when dealing with bank loans customers. This is proved by the fact that he puts the burden of the cost of trip to assess the collateral of loan application on Dough Whitton, a loan applicant. Ben further states that loan customers were obliged to donate prizes for annual fundraisers picnic. Shelby Grant, a loan officer feels that asking the customer to pay the cost of trip to assess the collateral and asking loan customers to contribute prizes to annual fundraisers as being unethical. As a result, Ben and Shelby are at loggerhead and this clearly brings out the fact that ethical standards when dealing with customers need to be assessed and a solution found to avoid confusion and misunderstanding. The point of contention to loan department within the bank is whether it is ethical to transfer the cost and obligations of the bank to the customers which brings out the problem as lack of understanding of business ethics by members of staff.. Input Loan department has been placing financial burdens to its customers on matters which the bank can carry out. This has raised ethical issue and has raised concern and misunderstanding between staff of the loan department. Some members of the loan department such as Ben Garishon is resistant to change about the new ethical issues facing businesses. He fears that change in covering the cost of trips to assess customer's collateral will be costly to the bank and that the bank will not enough money for charity if it do not compel the loan customers to contribute prize to annual fundraiser picnic. Andrew law states," You don't get creative by staying in the same place" and that is why failure by the organization to change has been left behind in ethics related matter and this is the bone of contention between Ben and Shelby. In the cause/ effect aspect of a problem, the cause of the problem is failure to apply ethics when performing business operations and this has several effects to the business, employees and the customers. According to the case, the problems are as a result of failure to accept changes in business ethics. The assumption by Ben is that the business does not have to maintain ethical standards as doing so is likely to be costly to the business and since he is the senior loan officer, his decision are the best and does not consider the opinion of other members. Due to this fact, disagreement will arise between the members of the staff which is likely to cause disappointments to the customers as in the case where Shelby Grant refused to call customers to contribute prizes in fundraising picnic and his refusal to go and evaluate loan collateral. These problems can be solved through dialogue and constant education on changes in business ethical trends within organizations. Solution The best solution to tackle the ethical problem within the organization is through educating the staff about the importance of maintaining ethical standards within the business and allowing dialogue among different officials within the organization to iron out contentious issues and reach an amicable consensus on why and how to apply different ethics in business. Through education and dialogue, different view points will be considered and a solution obtained to ensure that all members comply with modern business ethical standards. This will also enhance consultation before any decision is made. Swot analysis of educating staff on ethics Strength: Through ethics education, members of staff will be taught new information about ever changing ethical trends in business cycle and so they will be able to cope with any change without much problems. Weakness: Since ethical issues within the organization are varied and ever-changing, education tend to be time consuming and most aspects of ethics are not likely to be covered. Opportunities: Education will arm the staff with business ethics that will

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Human Organ Supply and Its Relation to the Social Stratification Research Paper

Human Organ Supply and Its Relation to the Social Stratification Theory - Research Paper Example Those who benefit are the rich who can afford to pay for the surgery and the cost of human organs. On the other hand, although some transplants were out of the donation coming from willing donors or were as a result of accidents which allow for the recovery of human organs from an accident victim to be transferred, there have been reports wherein the poor became the victims of this â€Å"transaction†. This is linked to the Social Stratification Theory. Those who have little in life become the victims, while those who are in the upper class or society look towards the poor for their source of human organs. How Sociologists Have Recognized Social Stratification People are identified, classified, perceived, and understood in a way that society has given corresponding positions for individuals, races, organizations or communities. The moment a person’s status in society is known, he or she is treated with actions or reactions that are known to be fit for the person. Accordi ng to Davis and Moore; Novick and Cullen Social stratification is a set of verifiable, interrelated thoughts, understanding, and behaviour among people whereby members of society consider positions or status and identify themselves in one of those categories. Davis and Moore were described by Novick, S. and Cullen, J. (1979, p. 1424) to have considered the differences as necessary for critical reasons. They proposed that inequality characterizes the groups or class wherein each person belongs or identifies him to be a part of. Furthermore, they believe that the maintenance of functions and positions is necessary in order to have stability. From the point of view of Davis, Kingsley and Moore, Wilbert (1970) difficult jobs must necessarily receive higher incentives in terms of higher compensation. The inequality is based on the fact that every individual has a different set of talents. Some talents are more valuable other talents, just as some functions have greater value in society t han the other functions. Because of scarcity and difference in value of some talents, rewards or compensation to acquire the people with valuable talents are greater while other talents are offered smaller rewards. According to Joseph Turek The book edited by Joseph Turek was entitled â€Å"Income Inequality and Social Stratification†. It gathered insights from various sectors (socio-economic, political, sociology, and philosophy) to clarify the variety of human differences which result in social stratification. As a result of differences in a person’s status in society, there is also a disparity in the income or compensation which leads to the formation of rich and poor. According to Wendy Bottero The book entitled â€Å"Stratification: Social Division & Inequality† is about â€Å"Who gets what.† It also describes the fact that the present time inequality gives some people better choices in life. â€Å"Money, power, or influence give those who possess t hem greater control over the external forces which affect us all, and open doors which might otherwise be closed.† (Bottero 2005, p. 3). The Demand & Critical Importance of Human Organ Donation A. Gap Between Supply and Demand The Economist (2008) reported that 7,000 Americans died due to absence of organs needed by patients. Out of 10 people who needed a kidney transplant, only one found a replacement kidney. There was a projected growth in the number of people who have to undergo dialysis and replacement of kidneys. 500,000 Americans in 2010 needed the transplant. In the UK, Nadey Hakim, an Ex-President of the International College of Surgeons, believed there was no other option for organ transplants because without it, the patient will die early although they can live longer if a replacement is made available for transplant. Kidneys are the most in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Great chain of being Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Great chain of being - Term Paper Example However, the passage of time saw this trend slowly fade away and the classes that were hitherto much respected soon lost significance. A good example of this can be seen from the Tudor Dynasty which tried as hard as it could to maintain the existence of the classes but at the same time developed policies that weakened the chain further. According to Bucholz and Key (87), the Great Chain of Being was a system of governance that classified the English people by class, age and sex. From the divisions, it was able to differentiate who was and was not a knight, an esquire, or a gentleman (Bucholz and Key 11). The first of this class was the royalty and gentlemen who were the rulers of the community. This was the followed by the gentlemen and even among the gentlemen, there were still classes where the first and principal were the king, dukes, among others while next to these were knights, esquires, and simple gentlemen. Despite the strong social hierarchy, the passage of time saw this chain becoming weaker and weaker with the climax coming during the Tudor Dynasty. However, the Tudor Dynasty struggled to maintain the chain but at the same time carried out policies and actions that only led to weaken the Great Chain of Being further (Key and Bucholz 17). In the beginning of the 15th century, the England went through a series of wars that affected both the economy and leadership of the nation. Following the war that was going on in the West Country, the king together with his advisers chose Richard, the then duke of York to be the protector of the Realm. By 1461, the duke of Yolk rebelled against the Lancastrian monarchy that he had sworn to serve loyally. Soon after Richard had taken the throne, he was killed in cold blood by his own son Edward who took power in 1461. However, the Lancastrians went on making rival claims based on origin as well as formal vows of loyalty and this led to widespread violence in the entire country. During the 1460’s and

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Teaching Profession Essay Example for Free

The Teaching Profession Essay When news of K-12 curriculum spread 2 years ago, the common knee jerk reaction of Filipinos was of contemptK-12 curriculum has just been prejudged as an ill-timed unnecessary additional expense. They can’t be blamed. The sound economic fundamentals were not really being cascaded to the grassroots level. Maybe a part of me even had that knee jerk reaction. But findings will tell us that K-12 is not ill timed; neither is it unnecessary. The Philippines is the last country in Asia and one of only three countries in the world (the other two being Djoubuti and Angola of Africa) with a ten-year pre-university program. Our curriculum has to be responsive to the global standards. Upon reading the news item in the official gazette of the Philippine government with link, I became cognizant of the salient features of the K-12 curriculum. Universal Kindergarten is a salient feature that will prepare the kids the children from informal to formal education as they advance to the primary level. It is aligned with familiarization with essential concepts. Contextualization and Enhancement makes lessons more interesting as the topics are related to things that are already familiar to the learner. As the page illustrates, the triangle is compared with the vinta, Mount Mayon and bandiritas. It communicates to the learner that the things being learned in school are things which are already around themin their physical, social and cultural environment. Using Bloom’s taxonomy, they are not just involved in recall and comprehension, but they are able to apply and synthesize the learning experience with the immediate environment. The mother-tongue based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) feature of the K-12 is also interesting since ALL subjects from K to 3 will be taught in the mother tongue. It is advantageous for students since the language at home and community is also the language in school. This means the child’s adjustment, as far as language is concerned, won’t be difficult. Moreover, it’s easier for students to grasp the concepts as they learn in their mother tongue. As I read this part of the article, what came to my mind was an English and Filipino class where mother tongue is translated to English and Filipino. Example, kayu in Ilocano is puno in Filipino. Then kayu in Ilocano is tree in English., and so forth and so on. Hence, mastery of the mother tongue will be the tool to learn Filipino and English. And once they learned Filipino and English, these will be the languages of instruction beginning grade 4found to be effective in the global community, and now a beginning field of educational research in the Filipino context. Furthermore, the Spiral Progression in learning Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Math is consistent with the basic to advanced approach in a gradual manner since the topics will be spread across the grades. This lessens the so-called â€Å"trauma† that students associate with the fast paced approach in learning each of these subjects in a yearone year for biology, one year for chemistry, and another year for physics. Eventually, the senior high school may prepare the students for further academic studies, employment or entrepreneurship since there are three tracks: academic, technical-vocational-livelihood, sports and arts. This means that teachers have to prepare themselves well, since teachers will be the foundation of the successful implementation of this programhaving direct contact with the students. Teachers should engage in multi-tasked, multi-disciplined, and multi-skilled activities. Looking at the said scenario, the K-12 will have tremendous benefits for the  studentsas research have shown in various countries. The K-12 curriculum will have a great impact at home, school, community, and country. As a teacher, I have hopesand trustin this endeavor. As the article stated, the K-12 graduate will be equipped with (1)information, media and technology skills, (2)learning and innovation skills, (3)effective communication skills, and above all, (4)life and career skills. These are exciting times. The implementation of the K-12 curriculum in the Philippines is not of ill timing; it is long overdue.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

America - Argumentitive Essay :: essays research papers

Argumentative Essay â€Å"That Australia Should Resist American Influence† - Against For over 50 years now, the United States of America have been a source of inspiration for the people of our great nation. We watch their TV shows, listen to their music, eat their food, and this is all before we leave for work in the morning! Like it or not, America has had a positive influence on Australia, and their is no reasonable explanation to support an abandonment of it. Sure, people may choose to argue that Australia is a country that can stand on it’s own two feet and make it’s way up the world’s political, social and economic scale on it’s own, that is a childish fantasy. To resist American influence is in no way possible or even feasible. We have an extremely high import rate from America. Where would we be without our weekly dose of ‘Friends’ or ‘Chicago Hope’? What childhood wouldn’t be complete without memories of Coca-Cola and bubble gum? It is not just the petty things we ferry in that we can thank America for. Where would our small business community be if it weren’t for American franchises such as ‘Dominoes’ and ‘Baskin Robbins’? Where would out large businesses be without the aid of computer technology, which was so kindly invented by Mr. Bill Gates? If we stand back for a moment and take a long hard look at the things we make use of every day, wouldn’t it be fair to say that at least 80% of them have American foundations? To give these up at the drop of a hat, so we can demonstrate our originality is ludicrous. We would have the world laughing in our faces, due to our naivetà ©. It is a nice thought to be completely independent, but the re is no chance of it happening in the near future. But, for arguments sake, let’s just say we did, where would we be? Australia has had moments of brilliance, but on a whole, we are fairly quiet folk. When we have had the pleasure of being the center of attention, it is usually because we have made some fangle-dangle movie that takes the mickey out of ourselves.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A Marxist Reading of Native Son Essays -- Native Son Essays

A Marxist Reading of Native Son In the Communist Manifesto Karl Marx states clearly that history is a series of class struggles over the means of production. Whoever controls the means of production also controls society and is able to force their set of ideas and beliefs onto the lower class. The present dominant class ideology is, as it has been since the writing of the United States Constitution, the ideology of the upper-class, Anglo-Saxon male. Obviously, when the framers spoke of equality for all, they meant for all land-owning white men. The words of the Declaration of Independence, also written by upper-class, Anglo-American males, are clear: "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are rights necessary to each human being and should never be taken away. Governments are established to protect these rights, yet these rights do not apply to everyone, particularly to the Bigger Thomases of the world. Although the framers of the Constitution and the authors of the Declaration of Independence could not look into the future to see the arrival of Richard Wright, his 1940 novel, Native Son, with its main character, Bigger Thomas, or the frustrated urban youths whom Bigger was patterned after, they did know their own needs. They also understood the importance of being free to attain those needs. Years later, Abraham Maslow agreed with the forefathers and gave the theory of needs a name. In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow developed a theory of basic human needs: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. His theory suggests that embedded in the very nature of each human being are certain needs that must be attained in order for a person to be whole physically, psychologically, and emotionally. First, there are phys... ... is what society does to Bigger: it puts him in a cage, backs him into a corner, and when he lashes out, it kill him, just as Bigger killed the rat. Works Cited Boeree, Dr. George. "Personality Theories: Abraham Maslow." 1998. 7 November 2001. , Booker, Keith M. A Practical Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism. White Plains: Longman 1996. Butler, Robert James. "The Function of Violence in Richard Wright's Native Son." Black American Literature Forum. Vol. 20, Issue 1/2, 1986. DeCoste, Damon Marcell. "To Blot It All Out: The Politics of Realism in Richard Wright's Native Son." Style. Vol. 32. 127-148. Grigano, Russel C. Richard Wright: An Introduction to the Man and His Works. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1970. Inge, M. Thomas ed., Fadiman, Clifton. New Yorker. 2 March 1940 53-53.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Flowers, herbs and willows Essay

Also, the fact that Shakespeare did not add any stage directions to the play helps the director portray the protagonists in the light they see fit. This has granted directors the licence to portray Ophelia as either virginal or sexually knowledgeable. Brannagh uses the device of flashbacks to perfectly show his audience that he sees Ophelia as being less than innocent and that she and Hamlet have previously been sexually active. He does this without taking anything away from the script and gets his point across using a dialogue-less scene. However in the most recent silver screen version of Hamlet directed by Michael Almereyda, Ophelia is portrayed as being virginal and innocent as no sexual references appear during the film. This shows how different the character of Ophelia can b portrayed, almost as they were two separate individuals. The lack of stage directions not only makes it simpler for directors to portray her the way they want, but also for the audience, as they don’t have to decide whether she was innocent or not for themselves, but have it done for them. The third interpretation of Ophelia is that if her being sexually active. The scenes in which she goes mad strongly suggest her sexual knowledge comes from her own experiences with Hamlet, as she acts in a sexual manner. The songs she sings during her madness are also of a sexual nature, which further points to her being sexually active. There is evidence of sexual activity in Branagh’s production, during the previously mentioned flashback scenes. Richard Corum also supports the view that she was sexually active, however Shakespeare never states whether she was a virgin or not Her conversation with Hamlet in act3 scene2 strongly suggest that she and hamlet have had sexual relations, â€Å"you are keen, my lord, you are keen†. The keenness may be that of his sexual lust and she teases him by pointing it out. However much this may point towards the idea that they both have had sexual relations, Shakespeare still never specifically says whether she is a virgin or not. Richard Corum investigates the symbolism and significance of the â€Å"flowers, herbs and willows, † that Ophelia talks off in chapter nine. Corum implies that through the flower imagery that Ophelia uses, it is undoubtedly obvious that she is not innocent. The flowers symbolize Ophelia’s wishes to regain her lost purity and to once again become an ‘innocent flower’. The â€Å"fennel† that is mentioned represents the â€Å"fickleness of love†. Folklore of the time also suggests that fennel and rue were â€Å"abortion-inducing agents†. The willow which Ophelia was holding when she was found dead, was also thought to hold the same properties, which means that Ophelia attempted to abort a pregnancy before the died. Furthermore, the term â€Å"flowers† was used at the time as a term for menstruation, which suggests that Ophelia’s â€Å"interest in rosemary† was a way of her trying to tell herself that her menstruation cycle continued as is normal, meaning she was trying to convincer herself that she was not pregnant. Corum also states that rue supposedly made men impotent and that in handing it to Hamlet, Ophelia was trying to prevent a â€Å"situation that is now perhaps unpreventable† Corum’s examination of the flowers in Act 4, Scene 5, seems to be viable. This is mainly due to his study being based on folklore that existed in Shakespearean times. The ideas themselves are plausible as they clearly fit into the character of Ophelia and can be related credibly to her apparent affair with Hamlet. Instead of outright stating Ophelia’s sexual knowledge Shakespeare uses this symbolism and imagery as subtle undertones to incorporate the idea of her sexual exploits. Shakespeare has always had strong-minded female protagonists in his plays, which means that the assertion that Ophelia is a character of considerable aptitude is not a new phenomenon. Lady Macbeth for example is the driving force behind her husband’s ambition and influenced him to kill the king. Juliet is another astute and determined character despite her young age, her character proves that women can challenge the authority of the men, as she does with her father by marrying Romeo. Taking the conception of Ophelia being a strong minded and autonomous character would by no means be extreme, as the examples I have given surely provide enough evidence that Shakespeare has presented female characters as being of a significant standing.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Mobile Phone Addiction Essay

The mobile phone is one of the greatest invention in 20th century. We can not imagine how is our life without the mobile phone. It is an obvious truth that the mobile phone gives us benefits in some aspects of life. Using mobile phone distributes our communication to make it easier than before. Besides a mobile phone can provide us with a lot of functions like relaxing with music, chatting or playing games. However, today people especially young people are becoming addicted to using the mobile phone. They can not stay away from their phones, even for a minute. Perhaps, because of the benefits of the mobile phones, most people do not realize lots of negative effects that the mobile phone has brought to us. Using mobile phones too much not only affects our health seriously but also causes some personal problems and limiting communication face to face. In the high-tech world, the mobile phones are equipped with all necessary functions. People can chat together for hours whenever they ha ve time. They talk together from hour to hour, from day to day. As a result, using mobile phone for a long time affects our health. Do you know how dangerous the wave from the cell phone is for our brain? The waves from cell phone are very harmful to our physical body such as our heart and brain. A recent study tells that our brain is seriously damaged when using mobile phone too much. Have you ever experienced the headache with talking on the cell phone for a long time? It is the wave from the mobile phone that causes the headache. Due to the danger of the cell phone wave to our brain, using phones too much can cause a poor memory. Besides, the wave of cell phones is very strong so it can cause heart disease if we keep cell phone near our body, especially under the pillow while sleeping. With many functions of the cell phone, the young can listen to music anytime they want. By using a headphone, people can enjoy some video, some music all time without annoying anyone. However, one effect of listening by earphones for a long time is that it damages our ear, even it can cause deaf. Moreover, the excessive use of cell phones causes teens and young adults to experience restlessness and it can make them feel difficult to fall asleep. It is an obvious fact that using cell phones too much can affect our brain, because sleep loss and damage our ears. Our life is becoming more and more convenient and the mobile phone has become an indispensable and inseparable object. People use mobile phones in every place, every time to manage their business. They talk on the cell phone when working, even when they are on the road. A lot of drivers listen to cell phone conversations while they are driving on the road. Consequently, they can cause dangerous accidents for other drivers on the road. Getting caught up in conversations on a cell phone can lead to the loss of focusing and highly distracted driving. Furthermore, it is generally observed that drivers using cell phones often forget to give proper signals disobey street signs and tend to cut lanes without warning. It is such a careless driving that results in many crashes and fatalities every day. Therefore, our government should give the law to ban drivers from using mobile phones while driving. Besides, another result of using phones too much is the expenses for cell phone cards every month. We often spend a lot of money using mobile phone. Not only the expenses for cell phone cards, sometimes using phones in a public places also causes some problems. We can see some rude people who speak loudly in public places, particularly in libraries, trains and theatres, which disturb other people a lot. For example, the camera of mobile phones sometimes disturbs a person’s privacy. Some people use the Bluetooth and the camera in a bad purpose. In short, using mobile phone can cause some personal problem like accidents on the road, money for cell phone cards and some trouble in public places. Mobile phone has become crucial part of our life. One of the most important functions of the phone is that it helps the communication become easier and quicker. However it also causes a lot of problem in communicating. Firstly, cell phone use has effects on the direct human to human interaction. Talking on the cell phones is gradually replacing the communication face to face between people. There was a time when the purpose of a telephone was to convey the important messages and not many people owned telephones. Thus, to talk together about something, they often met directly. Today owning a cell phone is held as a necessity and anyone including children have their cell phone. Therefore, the communication face to face between people is limited. Nowadays parents can be at the work place to talk to their children, to remind them of studying at school. Friends like chatting together for hours by mobile phone so they do not have anything to tell together when meeting at school. It seems that using cell phones too much destroys the pleasure of direct interaction. Another effect in communicating by mobile phone is misunderstanding between people. Always, people send messages to ask for information or congratulate someone. And the problem is that sometimes they forget to type the punctuation marks or they misspell, which makes the receiver misunderstand. More seriously, this can destroy the relationship between them. Therefore, to avoid some problem in communicating by cell phone, people should be careful in using it. Mobile phone is really necessary for our life because of many convenient functions of it. However, sometimes mobile phone can cause us many problems. The advantages or disadvantages of using mobile phones depend on the way how we can use it in right ways or in wrong ways.

Gods Gods And Goddesses

The term gods and goddesses can be best explained and understood under four sediment cultural predispositions. First is the monotheistic culture of uneven attitude towards gods and goddesses when God is said to serve as the supreme being of the universe, the one who there are no others, in contrast to the observation Of the Greek philosopher Thales that † the world is full of gods†, the central of Islam begins, â€Å"there is no other God but Allah† and the warning â€Å"you shall have no other gods before† which heads the lists of the ten commandment given to Moses in the biblical world.Secondly, the demystification of the universe comes from the Scientific rationalism that Gods are fiction, a mere projection of natural realities. Thirdly approach is the deistic conceptuality with a general ideas as a metaphysical hypothesis designating ultimate order in the universe, something to be argued about and not something to be sacrificed to. Fourth is the Universa lism one that the main gods of the world religions are all versions of the same affable divine reality such as Allah, God, Brahmas, Buddha and Tao from various transcendent mystery.Like myth and rituals, a god is a form of religion that can have any content, which could be demonic or benign, male or female, limited or unlimited in power. It can represent the power of vengeance, kingship, love, ancestry, luck, territory, wisdom, fertility and consciousness. The word god is used generically here to mean any superior being that humans religiously engage; either being visible, invisible, inhabiting past, present or future can function as a god.Buddha and bodhisattva function as gods in many ways, even though they are a very different genre of being than gods of theism. God, odds and goddesses are not fantasy symbols but beings whose realms cannot be violated with impunity and also correlates with the critical points of a world where humans are most open to the power of the others, from political order to ritual purity. Traditionally, Ancestors, Elders and emperors receiving the same reverence as gods appearing as messiah, redeemers and inner guides delivering them of illness and supplications.Hindus acknowledge that, at the most fundamental level, God is the One without a second -? the absolute, formless, and only Reality known as Brahmas, the Supreme, universal Soul. Brahmas is the universe and everything in It. Brahmas has no form and no limits; it is Reality and Truth. Thus Hinduism is a pantheistic religion: It equates God with the universe. Yet Hindu religion is also polytheistic: populated with myriad gods and goddesses who personify aspects of the one true God, allowing individuals an infinite number of ways to worship based on family tradition, community and regional practices, and other considerations.The Your treat their ancestors with great respect, as might be expected in a culture with only oral records of the past, but anthropologist's debate as to w hether the rituals dealing with ancestry are religious in nature, or simply respectful. At least a few groups believe that ancestors, after death, become demigods, but only once they have assumed the personal of a true deity. This resembles another facet of the Your faith, the phenomenon of possession, in which mediums take on the characteristics of one or another of the gods.The characteristics of each god are so well stereotyped that mediums as far off as Haiti loll back their heads and cross their legs in the same way when possessed by the lightning god (Idiot, 1963). In traditional Roman Catholicism the polytheistic outlook Was carried on to some degree in the veneration of multitude of saints. Forty different saints were invoked in the French Vogues as â€Å"guardians of livestock and protectors from all kind of sickness such as gout, toothache and burns (SST.Augustine for instance protected one from warts), as protectors in the storms and against fleas. In Asian, there is a s imilar assimilation of native spirits of Buddhist saints. The name of invocation could change but the domain (childbirth, small pox etc) of the god or saint remained the same. Some gods are patrons of specific communities of people. In traditional cultures every significant collectivity would have a sacred group spirit of some kind. In many societies domestic spirits or ancestors rule the household circle.The Japanese sun goddesses, Amateurs, is the ancestress of all the gods, the imperial family, and ultimately the Japanese people. Maltreat was the god of tire, Moloch of cartage, Estate of Blush, Maraud of Babylon, Jupiter of Rome and Heehaw of Jerusalem. Christians profess Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior, leaning his presence in the heart and a desire that they are not alone. Mahayana Buddhist tradition speaks of every one being â€Å"the Buddha† â€Å"Islamic mysticism takes its cue from the Guarani phrase that Allah is closer to us than our very jugular veins.The faiths of the Hardbound peoples of Western Nigeria vary significantly from one part of the region to another; the same deity may be male in one village and female in the next, or the characteristics of two gods may be embodied in a single deity in a neighboring region; in the city of Ill Fife in Nigeria alone the trickster god is worshipped under three different names. These variations inevitably arose as the myths were passed by word of mouth; add to them the incorporation into the Your faith of facets of outside religions, particularly Christianity and Islam, and understanding the faith becomes difficult indeed.The religions, however, share a similar structure, â€Å"diffused monotheism†; a single omnipotent creator-god rules over the universe, along with several hundred lower gods, each with a specific domain of rule. Shannon, the god Wool Saying refers to in his poem â€Å"aunt of he Stone†, occupies a major position in the pantheon of the Your, although he holds a less important position in neighboring ethnic groups. Shannon (also spelled Gangs and Sago) creates thunder and lightning by casting â€Å"thunderstorms† down to earth; wherever lightning strikes, priests search the surrounding area for the thrown stone.The Your believe these stones have special powers, and they enshrine the stones in temples to the god. The Your people do not consider him the most powerful or even the most important god; rather, his popularity may have resulted from attempts to radar off the frequent tornadoes that strike western Africa. Curiously, the Your never actively worship their all-powerful god, variously known as Loran (â€Å"the owner Of the sky†) or Lodestar (roughly translates as â€Å"the almighty†), among many other names.Unlike Shannon, who has dozens of shrines erected to him, Loran has not a single shrine; the Your never make sacrifices to him, and he has no priests. He plays much the same role as do the Jude-Christian and Is lamic gods– he is â€Å"the creator of all things, the almighty and all-knowing, the giver of life and breath, and the final judge of mankind†, and yet the Your apparently ignore him in their day-to-day lives.A theory explains that perhaps Loran developed through the influence of early Islamic or Christian missionaries, as a simulacrum of the gods of those religions. This finds support in the argument that the Your find the concept of an almighty God so overwhelming and remote that they cannot relate Loran to their reality. Some Your legends have a pair of gods, Originals (Bobtail, Arise-anal) and his wife Audio, as supreme creating deities, either independent of almighty Loran or preceding him.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Discussion part for paper of Customers and marketers co-creating a Essay

The Discussion part for paper of Customers and marketers co-creating a purchase experience - Essay Example Customer purchases is not only about products and services. The personal experience of the customers upon purchasing a product and/or services also matters. The process of co-creation is important since it could enable the customers to develop a more valuable experience and emotional attachment with the company’s product and/or a specific brand name. This kind of relationship between the customers and marketers is vital in the development and strengthening of customers’ satisfaction and loyalty. The Co-creation theory focuses merely on the relationship between the customers and the marketers. Highlighting the role of employees and customer service manager in co-creation theory could create a more promising effect on the customers’ attitude and behavioural loyalty. Customers’ emotional loyalty is another aspect that can be included in the theory model since it has equally proven to be a result of strengthening the relationship between the customers and the marketers. Another area of consideration is the customer complaint management and service recovery since both could support and strengthen the customers’ satisfaction. Co-creation marketing approach could lead to customer satisfaction and trust that is needed in order to strengthen the relationship between the customers and the marketers. A strong relationship bond between the two is essential in developing and maintaining customers’ loyalty. Based on the research method that was presented in this study, satisfying the customers has more relevance in strengthening the relationship between the customers and the marketers more than establishing ‘trust’ alone. Therefore, marketers should focus more on customers’ satisfaction in order to strengthen the relationship between the two and for the marketers to achieve attitudinal and behavioural loyalty from the customers. Increasing the customers’ satisfaction is not totally dependent on

Monday, October 7, 2019

Zara Research Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Zara Research Study - Essay Example Research has been made on customer service facilities offered by Zara and customers’ perceptions regarding this subject. Both primary and secondary data have been used for the study. Secondary data have been collected from different databases and existing literature published on past studies. Primary data have been collected by employing quantitative method of study. A sample population of 100 customers having shopping experience with Zara have been interviewed by distributing a structured questionnaire containing 5 close ended questions. The questions have been framed with the objective of understanding customer perceptions about customer service facilities provided by Zara. The secondary objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between age of customers and their perceptions. Responses of the participants have been measured in a five point Likert scale. The alternative hypothesis is that Zara provides satisfactory level of customer service. The responses are analysed using the t-statistic and the estimated value of t statistic is found to be sufficiently greater than the tabulated value. Therefore the alternative hypothesis is accepted. This establishes that customers have strong positive perception about customer service facility provided by Zara. It has also been found that compared to the youths, the middle aged population hold better perceptions about the company’s customer service. Zara is a famous international fashion brand. It is one of the eight store set ups of the Inditex Group, which is one amongst the largest retailers in the fashion industry in the world. The Inditex Group is an assimilation of approximately one hundred textile companies that conceptualize designs, manufactures fabrics and distributes them. The first shop of Zara was opened in the city of Coruà ±a in 1975 (Inditex, n.d.). Presently, the company has expanded its network to four hundred cities in eighty seven

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Personal Criminological Theory Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Criminological Theory - Term Paper Example To my mind, these factors are of crucial importance. Even if a person does not have in-born factors influencing on his deviant behavior in the future, people around him may reshape his way of life. At this point I would focus my attention on districts, where poor people leave. Another determinant factor, suggested by the Chicago School is appearance of a potential criminal (Garland & Sparks, 2000). Physiology of criminals may be differentiated from physiology of non-criminals. It is claimed further on that the abovementioned factors are relevant both to differentiate criminals from poor people and from a more privileged class. In the modern context it is relevant to analyze behavior of potential criminals among white-collar workers. Still, a growing number of crimes among criminals from poor families cannot be denied. Why people commit crimes? Therefore, I would collect data about potential criminals basing on their environment and their appearance. Under unfavorable social condition s, it is hard for a weak-willed person to stay aside. There are exceptions from this rule, when in the family of alcoholics are good children, but it is a small per cent of such kind of cases. There are two basic assumptions: crime is inherited in the society; the roots of crime are in unfavorable environment and among socially degraded people (Biglan, 1995). Referring to the modern statistical data of a number of crimes, it is relevant to focus on the percentage of criminals, who live in the suburbs. Then, it is possible to choose some of them at random and look at their environment and families. It is also necessary to talk about personal concerns of a criminal, who committed a crime. It is very important to see whether he protected his own interests or acted and followed his closest social group. In case a criminal’s actions are not unintentional, then we can refer to Larry Cohen and Marcus Felson (1979), who suggested that the closest environment of a potential criminal d irects his further actions (Kraska & Neumann, 2008). For some criminals there is no need to work, it is the easiest way to reach a goal if to commit a crime. Having committed numerous crimes, potential criminals develop their inner deviant behavior. Therefore, to my mind, a crime should be considered not as a spontaneous social phenomenon, but as an outcome of social challenges (joblessness, divorce, neighborhood etc). Still, if I had to develop my personal criminological theory in the modern context, I would refer to Routine activity theory. There is a growth of crimes among businessmen, white-collar workers and other â€Å"not-degraded† individuals. It never occurred in earlier years that upper layers of the society had committed so many crimes, as they do now. It is a new form of deviant behavior. Still, I would focus on environmental, biological and psychological concerns in this case as well. A potential criminal form a privileged family, supposedly, found the roots of h is further criminal behavior among his family members or his closest environment (Williams and McShane, 2009). So, I would like to focus on some cases of white-collar crimes and consider environment of a criminal in details. Conclusion The modern globalized world with an overall hazard of potential terroristic attacks makes people more hostile and they neglect morals and laws. Consequently, in spite of different social theories directed on deviant behavior exploration, there are no effective

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Innovation - apple Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Innovation - apple - Assignment Example Smooth and quick flow of information, rapid advancement of technology and highly customer centric behaviour of Apple makes it one of the most successful business organizations in the industry. Recently Apple has launched its new product, iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S. The company had to overcome their traditional box of ideas so as to come up with new developments. However, Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, currently emphasises on the development of its existing products, instead of creating a whole new generation of ideas for innovating new products. In this paper, the context of creativity and innovation by Apple would be studied in detail to understand the factors that affect the level of market performance by the company. 2.0 Literature review Creativity and innovation are the most important buzz words in the current business world. Companies are trying to become more creative and improve their innovative ideas in order to maintain their competitive position in the market. However, these t wo concepts are not identical. They refer to different aspects of organizational development. Creativity refers to the capability of individuals to create new ideas or hypothesize new facts. This is the change in people’s â€Å"perception of reality† (Iny and Brabandere, 2013). Innovation, on the other hand, is the â€Å"change in reality† (Iny and Brabandere , 2013). In case of innovation, new ideas that have been created are taken up and worked upon to turn it into reality. For example, the idea of development of the idea of a new kind phone led to the creation of the first concept of iPhone. With this new idea, the iPhone has been created. Once the new iPhone is created, Apple could make various changes in the original product. The company has made different iterations of the iPhone by altering their own understanding of the product possibilities thereby changing the understanding of the customers regarding the facilities that can be offered by a mobile phone . Although this fundamental difference exists between creativity and innovation, these two concepts represent two very important facets of any organization. Creative thinking leads to an innovative product. Hence, it is not possible for any firm to move ahead by making innovative activities, if they lack creative talent amongst their employees. 2.1 Creativity and innovation Innovation is one of the key drivers of growth for any organization in the 21st century business world. Innovation allows the companies to invent new methods in which they might be able to grow in future. Innovation is not a skill that a company can develop within a short period of time through training. It has to have the knack, creative mind set of employees and risk taking attitude to invent new products, or strategies to serve its customer better. This in turn improves the company performance and its market share. This implies that, creativity and innovation is present within the organizational culture and is a part of its fundamental view towards growth. For an organization to be creative and innovative, it